Kvalité Redovisning Tjänster
Vi ger vår bästa till kunder inom redovisning med hög kompetens och god service som leder till företag aktuella situationer.
Bästa Rekrytering i Marknaden
Vi tar in roll med stort engagemang och förtroende från våra kunder, där når vi kundens mål och resultat. Vi engagerar oss i rekrytering process så pass noga och placerar kandidater till den rätta platsen
Vår Passion är kundens Framgång
Våra tekniska konsulter arbetar igenom och läser all svårigheter inom projektet innan avtal skrivits på.
Quality Accounting Services
We serve our customer best in accounting market with distinguish feature with leading to company actual profitability situation
Best Recruiting Agency in market
We take in role with full ambitions, engagement and trust of our customers and meet our customer’s goals and achievements
Customer Success is our Passion
IMKH Consultants are skilled enough to understand the criticality of the project before the actual contractual agreement take place.
IMKH konsult is an Authorised Accounting agency through SRF and working according to REX- a quality which holds high standard and competence. IMKH is a next generation style of advance Accounting and consulting reflecting high competence and unique service offer.
Consultants in IMKH are authorised in their branch. The agency holds high quality within a job. Good accounting creates more trust both in financial and government sector. We develop our customers across entire accounting and consulting value chain and enable to gain advantage in fast paced market. We grow with customer perception and always believe in long term customer relationship. We work with our customers and agreed from day one and have agreements on your condition.
We welcome you to contact for further discussion and queries you may have by just clicking on to contact us.
Are you tired of paying a lot, we have solution beyond limits.
Redovisning är en sammanställning och dokumentering av information gällande företags ekonomiska resultat
och balans ställning.